Saturday, April 11, 2015

Swansia Consulting Inc - Logo

It's very hard to decide on a company name, let alone a company logo to go with the name.

Swansia is a nickname that was provided to me many years ago by a friend, for RPGs. As you can guess, it's origin was from a swan.

Anyways, at the very beginning, there wasn't really a logo since I wasn't using it for work.

Over the years, I started using it as my company identity, officially incorporating in 2010.

My company logo started off real simple, my hand written S, accentuated to look like a swan:

From there, I played around with graphics program and came up with this, which I used for a few years:

It was a nice simple logo idea, but I just felt it fell a little short. After brainstorming for a few years, I would love to unveil my latest logo for Swansia! I think this is a keeper: